Website evaluation – marshmello

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What was the project?
The project was to either make a game or create a website over a band, music artist, actor/actress, I chose to base it off Marshmello who is a musician.
How I developed my idea
I developed my idea by experimenting with certain log posts, I listen to a lot of Marshmello so it inspired me to create a page on him, he is interesting because he is completely anonymous and iconic figure.
Software used
Wix website builder
Tools used in the process
The website builder does most of the work for you, I linked his Youtube Channel and it automatically linked his videos, I also added photos as this was fairly simple to do.
I didn’t export or print the project, I did however publish it to go live once it was completed.
What I found difficult
  • Auto correct kept changing Marshmello the artist name to the food Marshmallow.
  • Navigating my way around the controls
  • Linking material to the webpage

What I found easy

  • Customizing the page and choosing an appropriate theme
  • Laying out and deciding which subpages to use on the artist
  • Time-keeping, it didn’t take me too long to finish and create the page.

Is it successful?

I would say yes it is successful because it is a fully functioning webpage which you can navigate around, it’s a good basic page to view and to discover further music and information on the artist. Overall I am happy with the final product as I had minimal problems with the creation and it has been tested and it works.

What I would do differently next timeĀ 

  • Add more subpages to provide more information
  • Write about the song and the artist himself
  • Maybe experiment with more layouts to make it more user friendly