FMP Evaluation

The concept for my project was originally to go Dungeness and take a lot of pictures of nature and wildlife, another concept of genre is game photography too.  When I did my research on my photographers I did two which were based on war photography and obviously I wouldn’t go into a war zone just for my FMP.

The reason for cancelling the Dungeness trip is because of travel issues which was because of family and game photography had to change because I took advice off my peers and decided it was better to not do it, but looking back at it now I feel like I could’ve done a lot more on my FMP with it and I could’ve done more research with it.

I developed my idea by looking at a photographer I took inspiration off as he did wildlife photography and so I tried seeing his point of view through his eyes and try to be like him.

The planning I did for my project is that I did primary research and looked up photographers who went to Dungeness and others too, however for the Instagram photographer I decided to do research on he taught me more and contributed to my FMP more research wise.

Well there was a lot of changes as my family decided to depart and that made it impossible to go to Dungeness, but I did manage to keep the genre of wildlife and nature.

My plan could go a lot more smoothly and if I wasn’t holding back my work then my photography and editing can be a lot better than what it is now.

What I used to edit 1. editing the photos on Photoshop, I’m use to editing photos with an app called PicsArt and I find it way better to use than Adobe Photoshop. 2. Planning travel, this was very hard to do as my parents decided to break up and leave me in the dust that then limits my motivation to do anything and I couldn’t provide transport at all so that was a very big issue. 3. Finding the perfect picture, this was the least hard thing I found difficult about these problems but a lot of my photos were not good.

  1. One of the easiest thing was writing about the pictures and posting them on WordPress. 2. Uploading my photos onto my phone and transporting them onto the computer. 3. researching about my photographer.

The key research I did was for Dungeness which was a photographer and was all the research I did for week 1 in my FMP.

I used a website for each photographer I researched.,, The YouTube video was the most reliable source because it gave me a full tutorial on how to do editing. The source that came from Wikipedia wasn’t reliable and I didn’t trust so I wouldn’t put it into my research and work. I used my camera and a mac to do work for my FMP It started off a lot more complex and I did a lot of research but over the weeks I feel like the work I’ve been producing is weak well the biggest problem I’ve encountered was when my camera deleted all of my photos without backing them up and that made me produce a lot less work.  I couldn’t recover them but I did improvise by taking some pictures to cover up. Editing, Improvising and writing are things that went great. Deleted photos, no travel, missing a lot of stuff was things that went horribly wrong. I could improve by taking a lot more photos and then adding them to WordPress.


The software I used was Adobe Photoshop and PicsArt, and the tools I used is mac and camera. I also had to export edited photos from Photoshop. What I found hard was deadlines, timing and preparing for the worst. What I found easy was getting props and stuff for my work. Taking a picture and also how to take it in the right camera setting.


Overall, I’d say it’s not successful and not at all, it’s alright but I can do way better. Not really happy to be honest, I feel like I was holding back so much potential. The things I’m happy about are the miniature fig edits, the duck picture and the 1-week research. If I could improve more about my project is to produce more, choose closer dates to go out and shoot.

Things that did go well was that the color correction on the wasp figure looked pretty cool, Im also impressed with the child bicycle which was looked abandoned and it gave of that Chernobyl vibe I wanted and it succeeded. The editing made it look more dull and gives it a sad story to tell visually.

week 10 FMP

Pictures I didn’t use:


I took this photo when I went to the hills and to be honest this originally looked a lot better in person. This picture looks ugly, it’s not too bad but it wouldn’t fit into my FMP as there isn’t really any character in the shot or any particular focus point.


This picture ended up coming out in a low quality and you can see that it is slightly out of focus which completely ruins the shot, so I ended up not using this and replacing it for one that was in focus, getting a clear shot is vital as it can create a vision of the characters and emotions/expressions.



There is not much originality or excitement in this shot, it’s quite static and doesn’t really expand your imagination when you look at it which is why I ended up not using it as I had other photos that were more interesting.


FMP – weeks 9

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This picture is full of character which is why it caught my eye, the rust of the chain and the wear and tear of the leather shows the excessive use over the year, so there is some history behind it. The version above is edited to match the colours of the rusty chain and the belt, it gives a woody texture and works very well to blend in. DSCN0563

This is another version I have edited which goes away from the colour scheme but doesn’t work as well as the first version in my opinion because some parts are too bright and dull. With this edit I wanted to give the picture a ‘western’ vibe as a lot of them are wooden bars and rusted metal. The two objects almost make it look it is equipment for a horse.

This is a picture of a wagon wheel, the edited version brings out more colour and vibrancy as the original is quite dull and lacks any life. I wanted to bring out the textures of the wood more and brightening it up helped me to achieve this. This gives a story that the bar has been there for that long that strangle weed has started to formulate around the wagon wheel.


For the last picture I chose another miniature figure photography. On the left side is the edited version and the one on the right is original. I think the edit turned out well because the contrast and mix of colours make the picture look better. The light turquoise is better than the light blue which makes everything stand out. I’ve been experimenting with the change of colour a lot this week and it is adding life to the photographs.

Overall Reflection: One thing that I would change is the amount of pictures and that have been taken, I feel like I could’ve taken and edited a lot more if I didn’t have technical issues with my camera. If there was one thing I learned from that mistake is that I should backup my pictures immediately just in case I accidentally deleted everything. However some of the current pictures I’ve taken and edited I really like and couldn’t been made any better (in my opinion) some of them such as the iron man edit with the fire and smoke. Also speaking of the topic of miniature figure photography I feel like I could do a lot more creative things with the wasp.  I feel like I was holding back a lot in the FMP, like I know I have a lot more potential but some unknown reason I can do way much better because I’ve made really good edits and taken loads of awesome pictures in my own time at home or whenever I felt the need to do something. On the week 9 pictures I think these are my favourite as I like the western theme of the wagon and it defiantly feeds out that vibe.

PHLEARN. ( Published on 24 Mar 2015). How to Select and Change Colors in Photoshop. Available: Last accessed 20th May 2019.



This is a picture I took of a mallard which was around the lake area located in Redhill. This is a perfect picture in my opinion as theres so much to look at, for example you see the duck and the reflection, you can also see the little trail of miniature waves from where the duck was moving, don’t forget the stems which are on both sides of the picture  with the mallard perfectly in the centre. which took a bit of luck and patience as it was tricky because I couldn’t control how the duck moved and I was standing from quite a distance too. duckss

In the next photo I used Adobe Photoshop to turn up the Vibrance and saturation to make the water look like an green apple. It also brings in colour and nature to this picture as its green, The picture quality of the ducks seem are not as I expected yet you can still see trees in the reflection of the water.

Research: At this point in time I was still learning how to use the camera and how to make picture high definition, I didn’t look up how to do it but I tried re-reading the manual (which came with the camera) to see if Im doing something wrong or I was in the wrong setting. Well it turns out I took some pictures in landscape mode without realising and that caused zooming to be blurred or had trouble focusing. But I have now learned that if I’m zooming in and I want a clear picture I should keep it in auto mode as theres no other mode for doing so.IMG_0813


This is the last picture I took of the ducks in week 8. This was a decent as this was in my favour and turned out pretty good. I wasn’t referring to anything with this picture but i did edit the picture a bit to make it feel more alive.

Reflection: This was a week for nature for sure, and to be honest I feel like I was very lucky with these pictures! The angles were perfect and I guess the ducks gave a little pose  too so that helped. These also refer to the photographer Peter Houlihan I wrote about on the week 1 post of the FMP. With the nature genre.


For this week I tried doing miniature figure photography to make up for trip cancellation to Dungeness. These were pictures I took on my kitchen side and it was inspired by Captain America: Civil War. The picture on the right is more interesting because Iron mans face stands out and is the main focus of the picture, I experimented with using these shoulder shots as it gives a different perspective and also shows their actions from both sides. I didn’t edit the pictures the saturation of the red was hurting my eyes and it smothered the overall style.

I was inspired by a Civil War poster a while ago and within these photos I tried to reinact the poses and fight scenes.

If I could improve the picture It would be to add affects to like sparks, dents in his iron man’s helmet.



Continuing with the miniature figure photography I tried messing around with my Wasp figure and try some cool things, Like wasp crushing cola cans or running around in salt. TheWasp

With this picture I went into photoshop and changed the brightness and vibrance so the gold and red now stand out from the dull navy blue and how the light was making darker.

Here are multiple edited pictures which I thought looked cool and shows different variations of the picture. I played around with the colour theme which gave me the idea to make a collage of images with an experimentation of colours.

Research: I looked up a video on youtube on colour correction too to see if I could do more with colour correction and how to pick out a colour and change it without fully messing up the whole picture.

Dungeness: My original plan was to go to Dungeness but that had to change because I had no way of travel and there was a lot of things that made it very difficult to make the trip.

Game Photography: Update on the game photography as I was doing audience research I decided to ask my peers and tutors on their thoughts of game photography, The majority thought that it “would be cheating in some way” so that made me think of doing another genre of photography that seems more challenging which is miniature photography.

PHLEARN. ( Published on 24 Mar 2015). How to Select and Change Colors in Photoshop. Available: Last accessed 20th May 2019.

FMP week 6


For this week I’m planning to make things more fun and take more interesting miniature figure photography by taking inspiration from other photographers making fun and creative pictures of Ant man & the wasp. The research I’m doing is to look up how to make Ant-man running. I will be using the same method for the wasp like making her look like she’s flying, running etc.


I will also be taking multiple pictures of the wasp to show that she’s growing or shrinking down. This would be using Photoshop to edit and my camera to take the pictures. I have got inspiration from other figure photographers and art from the films, so I have ideas of what I want to do and how I’m going to do it.

I have tried to make an example for what I’m going for, its going to be better when I will take my own photos but for the example I chose one of the promotion picture by Hot Toys and tried to make it look like she’s shrinking. Ant-Man-2-The-Wasp-Hot-Toys-Action-Figure-Pic-5-770x542

Photos & edits


How I took this pic was when I found a random can which was in this position, the puddle gives off an interesting reflection and the detail of the raindrops show on the can which give the overall photograph a large amount of character.

FMP week 5

This picture is from my figurine and I added affects to look like he was in some sort of fight. I also had to make the colour red look warm and turned the brightness up so its visible. I added the smoke and fire to give it more background detail and make the photo seem interesting.

DSCN0074 copy.jpgThis week I had another idea which was miniature figure photography to give work i find interested in, I also said for my reason to do photography when applying was “I want to bring in my interests into my photography” and so I have done some of it. The photos are edit pics of some of my iron man figurines.

This was a picture I took in the snow and I have taken inspiration from the film Iron man  3 which was a scene where Tony crashed and landed in the middle of nowhere with snow. I filled in the eyes and the arc reactor with paint to bring it to life. I also cropped the image to look like it was from the movie or more like the movie. The image shown below is from the film Iron man 3 and what my own photo is inspired by.Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 10.28.24.png

Reflection: For this week was maybe my best edits (so far) as I feel like Ive put a lot more effort into this.

White dwarf magazine. (06/03/2018). The Model Photograph. Available: Last accessed 7th Apr 2019.


On the 11th of April I went outside at 3am in the morning and saw the full moon out in the open night. So I decided to take a test shot with my camera until I accidentally took a good, clear picture of the moon. This was and experimentation and it proves what my camera can really do and I’m impressed. At first I thought it wouldn’t work as the moon was just a ball of orange and yellow so I waited until it focused and then I lined it up and took the photo.DSCN0092

This was the original picture I took and it actually really surprised me because of how good it is. I then thought the moon seemed a bit too vibrant and this makes up for not going dungness. This picture is also centred and it shows the moons natural colour so I edited it and turned down the saturation and made it look a lot less warm and made it look colder as space is cold and dark.

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I didn’t go dungeness because my friend couldn’t make it. So we had to plan for another time. Meanwhile I have found a new type of photography to bring into my work, just in case the Dungeness trip doesn’t work.