FMP – week 2


This is an unedited photo of mine


This was on my way to a destination where I was going to take some photos, me and my friend stumbled across a woodland with a bunch of theses flowers which are called bluebells. The main point of focus for the shot was the bluebells as they give off a huge amount of vibrant colour, I wanted the background to fade out to make it more powerful and to also capture the environment.  edit 1.jpg

The original picture was a bit dark so I upped the exposure and I moved the saturation  to higher so its more vibrant. The edited version makes the picture more happier and less dull then the original.


The original picture is quite bland as there is not a wide range of colour or focal point.

Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at 11.52.44.png

In this picture I boosted the saturation to make the caterpillars colours stand out and I gives the picture more vibrant. I used photoshop to edit these pictures, I thought it would make the photo look better with this affect.


In this weeks reflection I was still getting use to working my camera and didn’t take bad shots and took really good close up shots.





photography research

Moises Saman: He was a Spanish-American war photographer, who is based in Tokyo. He is most Known for taking photographs from Iraq, He also wrote a book in 2016 which was about the Revolution in Egypt and the broader, this book is called Discordia. Moises Saman is to be considered as ”one of the leading conflict photographers of this generation”. This is the fact that there is not many war photographers now and anyone could pretty much take the spotlight. But yet he has also been to many other wars such as the Gulf war, the Iraq war, the Iraq civil war, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, and the Syrian civil war.


I like his photos as they always tell a story for example the picture shown right above is a picture of a child which is probably writing her morals, The room she is has started to decay and it gives a loneliness vibe and shows loss. Nobody else is in the frame its just her. This photo was taken from the Iraq civil war.


A more recent picture shows a man standing out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by ash, dust and flames, This can also relate to the girl but the strangers face looks sad and upset. You can see the sorrow in his eyes and all the scraps of left over buildings and toys scattered across the area.