FMP week 5

This picture is from my figurine and I added affects to look like he was in some sort of fight. I also had to make the colour red look warm and turned the brightness up so its visible. I added the smoke and fire to give it more background detail and make the photo seem interesting.

DSCN0074 copy.jpgThis week I had another idea which was miniature figure photography to give work i find interested in, I also said for my reason to do photography when applying was “I want to bring in my interests into my photography” and so I have done some of it. The photos are edit pics of some of my iron man figurines.

This was a picture I took in the snow and I have taken inspiration from the film Iron man  3 which was a scene where Tony crashed and landed in the middle of nowhere with snow. I filled in the eyes and the arc reactor with paint to bring it to life. I also cropped the image to look like it was from the movie or more like the movie. The image shown below is from the film Iron man 3 and what my own photo is inspired by.Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 10.28.24.png

Reflection: For this week was maybe my best edits (so far) as I feel like Ive put a lot more effort into this.

White dwarf magazine. (06/03/2018). The Model Photograph. Available: Last accessed 7th Apr 2019.