FMP week 6


For this week I’m planning to make things more fun and take more interesting miniature figure photography by taking inspiration from other photographers making fun and creative pictures of Ant man & the wasp. The research I’m doing is to look up how to make Ant-man running. I will be using the same method for the wasp like making her look like she’s flying, running etc.


I will also be taking multiple pictures of the wasp to show that she’s growing or shrinking down. This would be using Photoshop to edit and my camera to take the pictures. I have got inspiration from other figure photographers and art from the films, so I have ideas of what I want to do and how I’m going to do it.

I have tried to make an example for what I’m going for, its going to be better when I will take my own photos but for the example I chose one of the promotion picture by Hot Toys and tried to make it look like she’s shrinking. Ant-Man-2-The-Wasp-Hot-Toys-Action-Figure-Pic-5-770x542

Photos & edits


How I took this pic was when I found a random can which was in this position, the puddle gives off an interesting reflection and the detail of the raindrops show on the can which give the overall photograph a large amount of character.



I have done some research into a nature photographer who goes by the name of Zach Melhus. After looking at his instagram comments and the types of accounts that follow him I can see that his followers are mostly within the 25+ age group who are also photographers and likeminded people.

I have linked his instagram for evidence

This website is also where I found some of the top nature photographers to help inspire me in finding some research as there is not a large amount of audience research on nature.

Here is an example of the photographers work that I have chosen, I feel this is most similar to the type of aesthetic I am going for.

Miniature Photography

My chosen genre is a mixture of Miniature Photography, Nature, and landscapes. ​


The lighting tips were very helpful on this website and contributed to the end product of my miniature shots, I was having trouble with the lighting but after this I managed to find clearer backgrounds and make the shots clearer and more realistic. ​

Craig Hull. (2011). 12 Amazing Nature Photographers to Really Inspire You. Available: Last accessed 23rd April 2019