For this week I tried doing miniature figure photography to make up for trip cancellation to Dungeness. These were pictures I took on my kitchen side and it was inspired by Captain America: Civil War. The picture on the right is more interesting because Iron mans face stands out and is the main focus of the picture, I experimented with using these shoulder shots as it gives a different perspective and also shows their actions from both sides. I didn’t edit the pictures the saturation of the red was hurting my eyes and it smothered the overall style.

I was inspired by a Civil War poster a while ago and within these photos I tried to reinact the poses and fight scenes.

If I could improve the picture It would be to add affects to like sparks, dents in his iron man’s helmet.



Continuing with the miniature figure photography I tried messing around with my Wasp figure and try some cool things, Like wasp crushing cola cans or running around in salt. TheWasp

With this picture I went into photoshop and changed the brightness and vibrance so the gold and red now stand out from the dull navy blue and how the light was making darker.

Here are multiple edited pictures which I thought looked cool and shows different variations of the picture. I played around with the colour theme which gave me the idea to make a collage of images with an experimentation of colours.

Research: I looked up a video on youtube on colour correction too to see if I could do more with colour correction and how to pick out a colour and change it without fully messing up the whole picture.

Dungeness: My original plan was to go to Dungeness but that had to change because I had no way of travel and there was a lot of things that made it very difficult to make the trip.

Game Photography: Update on the game photography as I was doing audience research I decided to ask my peers and tutors on their thoughts of game photography, The majority thought that it “would be cheating in some way” so that made me think of doing another genre of photography that seems more challenging which is miniature photography.

PHLEARN. ( Published on 24 Mar 2015). How to Select and Change Colors in Photoshop. Available: Last accessed 20th May 2019.