This is a picture I took of a mallard which was around the lake area located in Redhill. This is a perfect picture in my opinion as theres so much to look at, for example you see the duck and the reflection, you can also see the little trail of miniature waves from where the duck was moving, don’t forget the stems which are on both sides of the picture  with the mallard perfectly in the centre. which took a bit of luck and patience as it was tricky because I couldn’t control how the duck moved and I was standing from quite a distance too. duckss

In the next photo I used Adobe Photoshop to turn up the Vibrance and saturation to make the water look like an green apple. It also brings in colour and nature to this picture as its green, The picture quality of the ducks seem are not as I expected yet you can still see trees in the reflection of the water.

Research: At this point in time I was still learning how to use the camera and how to make picture high definition, I didn’t look up how to do it but I tried re-reading the manual (which came with the camera) to see if Im doing something wrong or I was in the wrong setting. Well it turns out I took some pictures in landscape mode without realising and that caused zooming to be blurred or had trouble focusing. But I have now learned that if I’m zooming in and I want a clear picture I should keep it in auto mode as theres no other mode for doing so.IMG_0813


This is the last picture I took of the ducks in week 8. This was a decent as this was in my favour and turned out pretty good. I wasn’t referring to anything with this picture but i did edit the picture a bit to make it feel more alive.

Reflection: This was a week for nature for sure, and to be honest I feel like I was very lucky with these pictures! The angles were perfect and I guess the ducks gave a little pose  too so that helped. These also refer to the photographer Peter Houlihan I wrote about on the week 1 post of the FMP. With the nature genre.