FMP – weeks 9

old t0own roafds2

This picture is full of character which is why it caught my eye, the rust of the chain and the wear and tear of the leather shows the excessive use over the year, so there is some history behind it. The version above is edited to match the colours of the rusty chain and the belt, it gives a woody texture and works very well to blend in. DSCN0563

This is another version I have edited which goes away from the colour scheme but doesn’t work as well as the first version in my opinion because some parts are too bright and dull. With this edit I wanted to give the picture a ‘western’ vibe as a lot of them are wooden bars and rusted metal. The two objects almost make it look it is equipment for a horse.

This is a picture of a wagon wheel, the edited version brings out more colour and vibrancy as the original is quite dull and lacks any life. I wanted to bring out the textures of the wood more and brightening it up helped me to achieve this. This gives a story that the bar has been there for that long that strangle weed has started to formulate around the wagon wheel.


For the last picture I chose another miniature figure photography. On the left side is the edited version and the one on the right is original. I think the edit turned out well because the contrast and mix of colours make the picture look better. The light turquoise is better than the light blue which makes everything stand out. I’ve been experimenting with the change of colour a lot this week and it is adding life to the photographs.

Overall Reflection: One thing that I would change is the amount of pictures and that have been taken, I feel like I could’ve taken and edited a lot more if I didn’t have technical issues with my camera. If there was one thing I learned from that mistake is that I should backup my pictures immediately just in case I accidentally deleted everything. However some of the current pictures I’ve taken and edited I really like and couldn’t been made any better (in my opinion) some of them such as the iron man edit with the fire and smoke. Also speaking of the topic of miniature figure photography I feel like I could do a lot more creative things with the wasp.  I feel like I was holding back a lot in the FMP, like I know I have a lot more potential but some unknown reason I can do way much better because I’ve made really good edits and taken loads of awesome pictures in my own time at home or whenever I felt the need to do something. On the week 9 pictures I think these are my favourite as I like the western theme of the wagon and it defiantly feeds out that vibe.

PHLEARN. ( Published on 24 Mar 2015). How to Select and Change Colors in Photoshop. Available: Last accessed 20th May 2019.