Music video reflection (updated)

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 09.33.48.pngMy music video was pretty smooth as the transitions really had an affect on my music video, The start of my video had a nice transition when it changes from the woods to the games city which was unintentional, the video then has a pulse affect with the beat which needs fixing as it bugs out for a second other than that bit its all good.

I used a mix of clips from the spider-man game and some from the spider verse and real life. This worked well because it gave two different perspectives rather than just using game footage. It also worked in my favour to create this because I already had the costume and effects to make it happen (The web effect at 1:10).

The effect with the sun was completely intentional as I had planned my music video to have my outline with the sun blinding the camera, but unfortunately the camera had dust over it, so for my next project I will clean the camera lens before recording.

Then when Spider-man was running from the rolling generator that worked well with the build up of the song, The glitch affect looked cool and made it so you couldn’t see the pixels and increased the quality which is one way to solve a problem.

The video itself is my most viewed video on my channel and a lot of people must like it, also The band Warbly Jets liked it which is really cool. Reflection to the video it could be to make the video flow better than “pretty smooth”.

The scenes where I’m dancing are particularly affective because it fits in with the song I chose ‘How our story goes’, this allows the viewer to be taken away from all the action for a short moment, to be then brought back into it, this happens throughout the video and provided some rest bite between scenes (each new dance scene was different which made the whole piece more interesting and unexpected). The wide range of shots used throughout the video keeps the video fresh and exciting, instead of using the same types of shots.

At 0:31 I put a scene from the game that fitted well with the music drop, which gave a big impact for the scene and almost felt like you’re being hit as a viewer.

I used slow motion in a few clips to help with the action scenes and make them punchier upon impact, quick transitions to other clips were also used to keep it interesting and show off all the characters.

In terms of filming i didn’t have to record that much as the majority of the footage was from the game itself which worked for me as it meant I saved more time for editing which helped take off the pressure of the final deadline a bit.

What I would do next time:

  • record more footage
  • use some camera techniques
  • record away from the sun
  • use a better camera
  • plan a lot more so I don’t end up improvising my final piece





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