2000 – 2010 Tv & film

In the 2000s cgi in films has upgraded to look more realistic, in 2008 films like transformers and iron man were one of the best two films which used cgi really well they also use explosions and blowing up props to make in more realistic like putting cameras on cars and focusing on the cars. It too $105million to make the movie whereas the iron man movie took $140million to make which is suprising as it hasn’t used that much explosions and high paid actors.

Jimmy Neutron was released in 2001 was the first CGI feature-length movie made using off-the-shelf hardware and software.

Podcast: the process

We have finished the recording of our podcast which was on conspiracy theories and shower thoughts that really get you thinking.

So  now the editing, I’m going through the footage and cropping some of it out now I’m just looking for music so I can fill out the dead air. At this time we have 51 mins and 44 seconds. Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 10.02.48.png

so I’ve finished editing the podcast and i have 10 mins of recording.

Music Video Visual affect


This is what my music video visual i would be using, its a common technique used by Michael Bay which he mostly uses at the end of a Transformer film, it is a great technique and its very good beautiful to look at. But I’m obviously will not have a transformer and a space ship in the background of course I’m just going to have me standing in front of the camera with the sun in the background. just like this picture.


Update: The camera I have used to record my  music video has recorded in very low quality and so I will be using a 80s filter as thats what the footage looks like its from, Because if i use a filter hopefully it won’t make the video look bad and poor.

Mental Health

The emotional well-being of a living person’s mindset can depending on how the person is feeling it can affect their lives by how they’re feeling. Depression can affect a lot of things other than the person themselves, it can also affect family.

How having a family member with poor mental health can effect everyone else.

Having a family member who suffers from poor mental health can make the family more sad and feel let down, it can also affect a family member if they have nobody to talk to if they have problems. If a family member is feeling down and they cannot talk to anyone because they all are feeling down then thats going to cause problems.

If someone has poor mental health then they can get a lot more aggressive and angry easily. It can also lead to split personalities and can change the way they think and get suicidal thoughts. If the Parent is suffering then their children are alone especially the oldest child as all the pressure is on them. That can then change the mental health of them so it will spread.

If someone who is suffering mental health and they have a job it can affect the motivation of the worker and other employees which will slow down the process of work. This will make the customer feel angry towards the company.

week 4: if you go to your GP and tell them about your depression or other illness you may have they might give you medication like anti-depressant pills. There are therapy sessions that are available. There is another way to help with mental health  problems without taking and that is called Electroconvulsive therapy which sends an electric current to the brain that will trigger a epileptic seizure that can relieve some symptoms for mental health problems, this treats severe life threatening depression and postnatal depression and you can only do this at hospitals/doctors. 

Complimentary therapies is a therapy session which is made to improve your quality of life, this was originally made for people with cancer and it might help patients with the side affects of cancer or because of all the treatment.

Creative therapies is when the therapist gives the patient a range of objects or tasks and then they would have to use their imagination to make a story using the objects or paint their feelings. Liam depression476

week 5: when you see your GP they will ask you some symptoms about depression for example feeling low and always thinking negatively about yourself constantly. They can offer medication or free talking therapies and simple life changing stuff to help with your mental health.

One of the most popular mental health teams is CAHMS (child and adolescent mental health services) which is a mental health service made for young people suffering with mental health issues what is run by the NHS. They have a list of different people you can see based off your mental health issue like a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

The crisis team helps with issues what you’re having in everyday life, this could be in your own home and there should be a crisis team near you which is available 24hrs 7 days a week.

samaritans is a website or charity that helps people who are suffering a mental health illness, the work all over the united kingdom, this charity helps children and young adults tackle loneliness.

Emergency services is divided up into 3 groups: firefighters, police and ambulance. This is used to tackle different situations like violence then you would need to call the police and ambulance.

Podcast Questions

For our podcast we’re doing mind blowing facts and questions here are the questions.

  1. If the Fbi or police break your door down then who pays for it?
  2. Isn’t saying something indescribable, describing it?
  3. Do crabs think fish fly?
  4. once born, are we living or dying?
  5. A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car without any lights on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car know he was there?
  6. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
  7. If there are 6 apples and you take away 4, how many do you have?
  8. There was an airplane crash, every single person on board died, but yet two people survived. How is this possible?
  9. What goes up but never goes down?
  10. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

Location research

The purpose of the location research is to make sure we can identify any sound problems or privacy problems as you would need permission for people’s identity and you can’t use their number plates etc. It would also be good to plan camera locations and positioning.

one of the first locations i have planned it the Tandridge golf club which is local and it also has a great scenery, especially at daylight and dawn. The only problem is that there is a main road which is very busy.

Bibliography:Edwards, Jane. (2017). A refreshed Harry Colt classic in the Surrey countryside. Available: https://www.tandridgegolfclub.com. Last accessed 6th Nov 2018.


Another location which would be interesting is master park in Oxted which is also local but a potential problem is people because its a busy and public park. There is open sky so if theres anything blocking the sun its the clouds. Another problem is the sounds, there is a church and the park is in a town so it will be busy and noisy.


This is a location I will use as this place as this does look very spectacular with the sun peaking the through the trees. Nature will have a major part in my music video as it can easily be crossed with the clips I’m using from the spider-man game.


This will be at the front of the video and will have a few key parts with the sun as i am inspired by this lighting trick which was used a couple of times in my video and i want to use this as a background and use the sun to my advantage.


Research for my music video.

One of the things i need to research is how to get a comic book affect for my music video as it is based for a comic book character (Spider-man). Im looking to make my video have   a comic book filter or pop art which it could also be called and I want a comic transitions, This will make my music video unique and it would be totally different to what everyone else is doing.

This video has given me more ideas could use in my video like the collage of clips like in a comic book. Here is an example of the comic book collage and then i would put a comic book filter over the clips too make it look more better. i don’t think i will add any sound affects in my music just have the normal audio for my video.

This is a comic book template idea I want to use some point in my music video. This exact clip won’t be used in my video.


Music video: research task.

Mark Romanek Graduated from Roy H. Park School of Communications, Ithaca College with a degree in Cinema and Photography.  Mark also had a great relation ship with the music artist or actors he worked with and he planned out everything until it was all perfect. That’s why he was well respected and referred to a “perfectionist”.

Some examples of which music videos he directed was ‘Faint’ by Linkin Park and Johnny cash’s song ‘Hurt’ which was voted the best music video of all time, which he did for free.



The techniques he used in his videos was a lot of props and he used a lot of money to make cgi like the music video from Michael Jackson ‘SCREAM’ which yet the video was black and white to save money and not waste it on the colour correction. It is also easier to shoot in black and white as you don’t have to worry too much about lighting. One of his other techniques is that he uses ticks with cameras like the body shot. Mark wanted to have a full body shot with the camera being stuck to the actor, So the actor would wear a harness around the waist.

If I was to “borrow” one of his techniques with my music video is the props and backgrounds of his video and how wacky it is.

Bibliography: IMDB. (2018). Mark Romanek – Biography. Available: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0738796/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm. Last accessed 30th Oct 2018.

Michel Gondry he grew up in Versailles with a family influenced by pop music.  Michel also graduated from École Olivier de Serres in Paris which was a cool for many disciplines like sculpture, wall decorations and visual communication. He was originally a painter and directed music videos like ‘around the world’ by daft punk.



One of his well known techniques which was used in his clips or commercials is when he would take several pictures around an object or person and it would rotate, its like a paranormal camera but backwards. This technique was used in in the film ‘The Matrix’.

I would use this technique in my music video so it would make the video have some cool affects and make it stand out, literally.

Raph Jullien. (2018). Michel Gondry- Biography. Available: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0327273/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm. Last accessed 30th Oct 2018.

One restriction for making my video is to not spend over an hour filming as its a 3 min song. And spend approximately 4 hours max spending on the editing.





Music video proposal

The music video I’m doing for the song I chose is ‘How our story goes’ which was a song made originally for the radio in ps4 game Spider-man. It has no music video and as I like the song I’d thought that I would make a music video for it. In my music video I plan to mix clips from the game with the camera in real life. I want it to have a comic book vibe as Spider-man is a comic book character so I guess the transitions will have a comic/pop art look.

The song is a pop so its a family friendly song with no cursing, The age is for people 3yrs+  to 30yrs+ and pretty much can be for anybody in reality. The song is about two people who are having a bumpy relationship and in the end their relationship pulls through which is a part of the game.

The potential problems while making my video is that it will be on the camera shots and portraying the scenes for the song. Also the time of day as its going to get dark quickly in the winter.


(click here to view song)