Mark Romanek

Mark Romance is well respected by other artist as he supports other artists in their work, this was said at (00:00-00:27). Mark also inspired people and gave people jobs that they loved to do where they put scene from movies for the video and the music be pop (00:27-00:55).

Music artists and actors refer to him as a “perfectionist” and a very precise man(00:55-01:28). The celebrities say that he has never touched the camera and relies on his team to do it and that takes a lot on planning and thinking (01:28-01:59).

His direction is compositions that work together and thats what makes his work good and that people build off each other (02:53-03:11). It takes a lot of preparation he help people start their career by being creative and they draw their scenes so they can plan how and when to change scene (03:11- 03:56). Mark directed a lot of popular songs like ‘Hurt’ by Johnny Cash and ‘Faint’ by Linking Park.

The music video for ‘Are You Gonna Go My Way’ by Lenny Kravitz inspired a lot of people as it was was really cool video which made people like the song and people wanted to go to the auditorium where it was filmed (04:55-05:40). His directing had a classic/rock style.

The Micheal Jackson video ‘scream’ was the most expensive music video throughout history and that is what made the music video really great and a lot of other music videos Mark has directed has had humidity in it and thats a unique feature of his videos. (07:30-11:24).

Mark tried using the lampshade technique and other crazy camera shots. He also tried a new camera shot where he wanted to follow the actor but not just focusing on the head and shoulders he wanted to get a more wider shot and so you can see the upper half of the body.(14:24-15:48).

Mark started using crazy art like using random stuff inspired by artists to expand his creativity in his music videos to make them more funky(18:00-18:49) Mark was also very emotional with his work. canttkeep.

Blibiography: (Jan 22, 2011). The Work of Director Mark Romanek (Directors Label Series). Available: Last accessed 16/10/18.




Podcast research

 Misfits podcast

The Misfits podcast started on June 15 2018 and started up by a popular youtube called Fitz. So him and his group of friends made a podcast so they can expand their career other than making videos. They discuss their funny life stories and comedy is their genre of their podcast series. Their podcast is more for teenagers and young adults (16 to 24 year olds average) as thats what their audience is on youtube and their humour is what people that age understands. The podcasts doesn’t have music or any additional sound affects and its just their casual voices talking about how Fortnite sucks or whatever. They  were recording this over their friends house and got a mic each to record their podcast. Some of the podcast is scripted like they have a list of topics they would talk about



Media comparison

Spider-man (ps4) and Batman Arkham Origins comparison.

The Similarities:

The similarities between the games: Both of these games are open world games which you can explore and both fight bad people. The both have similar scenes like a bank scene when one of the bad guys attack a bank, but with Spider-man it was a main mission not a side quest like scene which both games had was a new upgrade to their new suit, It also having great music in the background to make the player feel like that superhero and that they are stronger than ever. Another similarity is the suits in both game, you can buy the DLC to Batman’s suits for £3 at least for each pack  and you can get unlock some in game by doing challenges just like the Spider-man games, But there will be DlC’s for Spider-man coming out on October 23rd and later on in this year. Both of these heroes have no intention of killing people as all they do is leave them tied up dangling from the ceiling.

Image result for spiderman big time suit ps4Image result for spiderman comic book suit ps4Image result for batman arkham knight all suits

Links to scenes:

Image result for spiderman anti ock suit

Spiderman suit up scene(click here)

Image result for batman suit arkham knight

Batman suit up scene(click here)

The differences:

Although the characters do have different abilities as spider-man can’t glide and hack into doors whereas Batman cannot web sling and stick to walls. Batman is based in the future whereas the Spider-man game is based in october 2018. Batman Arkham knight is in a fiction city called Gotham and the Spider-man game is based in New York city but yet it still has some fiction in the city like the Oscorp tower,Avengers Tower,Sanctum sanctorum and many other easter eggs in the game. Another difference would be the humour of Batman and spider-man where Spider-man is using quips and making jokes in the middle of a fight and interacting with civilians whereas Batman is a dark hero and doesn’t joke around with the criminals.

Image result for dr strange sanctum sanctorum spider manImage result for oscorp tower spiderman ps4Image result for avengers tower spider man

My Opinion:

In my opinion I like the Spider-man game more because it is a more fun game to play and the story line is so good, it is easy to understand and he has not only a problem with his scientist that he looked up to turned out to become a villain because he was over run by jealously and anger because his lab partner betrayed him and joined Mr.Negative and the sinister six to murder Mr.Osborn but he is having relationship problems with his ex-girlfriend who he wants back but got her in the end. As the story went on it got more emotional for the players Peter Parker has lost all his family. Batman had no love interest and that kinda made the storyline weak and he would focus on his enemy which is good but he has no motivation for it.

History Of Music Videos

We are looking at the history of music videos because it shows us how fast technology has changed over time and that people had to go into the cinema to watch the music videos. Sometimes music videos would be in films and now in 2018 you can get any song right from fingertips. And the evolution of music before, who it was aimed at and what type of style it is in like pop, hip hop and rock.

One of the first music videos appeared in 1927 as Mammy created a music video for his  jazzy music and in the 1920s jazz music was a popular topic then. As it was the time of the great depression and everyone was sad and jazzy music related to people most and its what we use to give videos/movies and games the theme of the early 1900s

1950s – TV Was the decade where Music started heading to the homes where people can watch and listen to

Music videos in the 1960s were mostly random clips mixed in with each other for example “strawberry fields forever- the beatles” used a bunch of clips with no reference to strawberry’s at all, yeah the background is in a field but its not fully about it.

In the 1970s the music videos started to get more dramatic and music videos have colour a the videos are having more context and relevance to the song itself and that made the music videos better. Thats what the 1980s culture was, late night dancing, ska nights, pop , music was used in yoga and workout routines.

The 1980s was a huge improvement to music as new styles of music was being introduced like pop, hip hop/rap, new wave and hair metal/ rock. There was also new and great music artists being introduced like Michael Jackson and Wham! It was also the decade where it started making its way into charity and there would my music nights where they donate money to the homeless and the poor. MTV started in 1981 and they were running a 24 hour channel but there wasn’t a lot of music videos they could post so they had to re-use the songs over again so they were begging for music videos. The music videos were aimed towards teenagers and young adults. The two founders of MTV had to have a good relationship with the music industry.

The 1990s was when the CD was invented and you could play any song in an album at anytime without waiting or listening to the whole albums on a cassette player just to listen to one song. Music videos cost a lot more to make and were at least an average of just over 3 minutes.


MS. (2018). A brief history of music video. Available: Last accessed 25th Sep 2018.

The People history. (2018). Music Played in the 1980’s Popular Music From the 80s. Available: Last accessed 2nd Oct 2018.

Retrozone. (2018). 1990s Music: What Songs Were Most Popular?.Available: Last accessed 2nd OCT 2018.

Research Task

  1. What is the purpose of research?

The purpose of research is to find information about the topic you are studying.

2. What is Primary Research?

Primary research is your own work and info you create like Focus groups, observations and interviews\surveys. You are responsible for your own work and opinions.

3. What is secondary research?

Secondary research is when you’re getting information off someone else like using magazines and using someone else’s opinion. Their opinion could be wrong and not reliable.

4. Why is wikipedia a poor website to use?

Wikipedia is a poor website to use because people can edit the facts to make the info wrong and misleading.

5. what is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of information what you can get from websites.