Game research

The first video game was invented in 1940 which was made by Edward U. Condon and the game was player vs the computer. The objective to the game is that the player had to avoid picking up matchsticks and 90% of the time the computer would win.

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32 years later the first arcade game was invented by two people Nolan Bushnell and Al Acorn developed a table tennis game which is also known as pong. Apparently the game kept breaking and crashing because of the amount of people who played it jammed the quarters.

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In 1981 nintendo was created and one of the games that made people go ape was donkey kong vs jumping man which is also known as Mario who was created by Sigheru Miyamoto. 4 Years later nintendo then release the first console which was named The Nintendo Entertainment System.

In 1991 nintendo needed another iconic hero and then came sonic the hedgehog in the genesis system, this was loved by gamers as they liked his sonic speed and edgy attitude.

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In 1995 playstation released the playstation console which featured games like grand truismo and tomb raider. The console was under $100, this weakened the nintendo home console business. when sony had a deal with playstation it became dominant and saga exits the home console business.

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In 2001 the first xbox was released with halo which was a really great game at this time of age and gained millions of fans as the graphics were advanced and different.

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The strong. (2018). Video game History Timeline. Available: Last accessed 18/12/18.

Game reflection and game (UPDATE)

My game is not so good, as its incomplete and is unplayable as you cannot win or collect the diamonds, i need to set the gravity back to 0 as the ball keeps escaping. I would also improve the picking up the items to complete the game as the player cannot do that…yet.

Ive got the majority of my game done and its only the just the pick ups that need work. A positive about the game is that it runs and it works.

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Download game here

Update: The roll a ball had to be restarted as there was problems with it which was making the game unplayable as there was a problem involving with a code ‘AddForce’ and I couldn’t find a way around it so I gave up, and restarted the project which was a lot easier the second time as on the first time making this game i was clueless about these codes. But on the second time i had a lot more idea and it was a lot easier to do and looking back at it, it now looks a lot more simple.